Dhroeh Nankoe. Singer and composer Indian music

Dhroeh lives in the Netherlands and he has received more than 25 years of classical music tuition of the best music teachers in India (like Khan Bhandu Ustad, Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia, Zia Mohiuddin Dagar and Narain Prasad), by means of the most ancient oral traditions 

In 1994 Dhroeh Nankoe was the first student in Europe to graduate on Indian singing and Indian music at the Conservatory of Rotterdam

Apart from being a singer and composer, Dhroeh is also a multi-instrumentalist: as a child he learned to play many instruments, such as: harmonium, tabla, dhol (percussion instrument), mandoline, bul bul tarang (string instrument), naal (percussion instrument) and accordeon

Dhroeh has composed music for radio and television for the most important broadcasters in Holland. One of the highlights was the performance of Dhroeh at the Danny Kaye Awards, presented by Audrey Hepburn and Roger Moore. He also performed in tv programmes such as the Foster Parents Plan

Apart from pure classical and light classical Indian music, Dhroeh is also active in the field of crossovers: for example by integrating Indian classical music with jazz, flamenco or Western classical music

Lots of admirers of music enjoyed his performances: at the Ardh Kumbh Mela festival in India (more than 60 million passagers in 10 days); at the Tropeninstitute (among which for the late Dutch Royal Highness Prince Claus); at the Cannes Filmfestival; at the Love Parade in Berlin; at Pinkpop with the famous Dutch pop band Bløf (60.000 visitors); in the Royal Theatre Carré and in the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam

Dhroeh performed with and composed music for Leonie Jansen, Trijntje Oosterhuis, Edsilia Rombley, Fernando Lameirinhas and Willeke Alberti at the Boekenbal in the Schouwburg of Amsterdam 

At many international conservatories Dhroeh has given workshops in classical Indian singing. He also teaches to children from 4 years on. Dhroeh has a succesful international career, he performed f.i. in the United States of America for the United Nations in New York

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